I read that blood tastes like copper
Licking a cut finger, looking at my copper vase:
Blue -yellow flowers and green spiky leaves
Reflected on it's side :
I licked the reflection,
and tasted only summer.
If I lick water where the full moon makes a path,
Will my tongue glow in the dark?
Will my saliva rise in tides,
Every 30 days?
The sun went down in the lake last night,
And I drank the water the falling sun set ablaze.
It burned all the way down,
And left a red stain on my tongue.
by pjmcneal
have a sensation-taste today, wontcha!
by pjmcneal
have a sensation-taste today, wontcha!
Wow....what great writing ....I think I will hire you! xoxoxo HUGS